Damn. That's good. I mean I don't believe a word of it, obviously, or I'd have to make some changes. But wow.

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Thank you, Rebekah.

I spent a few hours this morning meditating on the issue about how do we save the earth. And l saw the arrogance of that question. And l saw the trap.

It is to do with semantics, with externalising the concept of 'Mother Earth'; The long suffering poor Goddess we trample, pollute and destroy. And we forget that we, each of us, every blade of grass, every human, every factory farmed pig; we are all Mother Earth in her many manifestations.

So don't think of saving anyone but yourself - save yourself from false beliefs and from the notion that the problem is 'out there'. Save yourself from poisonous thoughts and deeds and ambitions as well as poisonous food and stressful living and working conditions as much as you can, knowing that by creating a sustainable life for yourself, you are creating the possibility of a sustainable life for the whole of the system of which you are a part.

Perhaps it all boils down to knowing that nothing really is out there, it's all part of our shared collective awareness as well as it is part of our own, individual awareness. And those two circles overlap.

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“We are all Mother Earth in her many manifestations.” Truth

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Nice column! What struck me was that I felt a sense of deja vu reading this. Whatever miracle it is that we have both experienced talks to us in the same language.

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Beautiful, thank you. Amazing and helpful reminder

The miracle is life.

The Lord stands waiting to impregnate us with life. Will we receive it?

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Please find an Illuminated Understanding of the all-important topic of death and Kali too via these references;

http://www.easydeathbook.com/purpose.asp The Purpose of Death & What It Requires of Us (beautiful prose)

http://beezone.com/death_message.html Death as the Constant Message of Life


http://beezone.com/news-html The Dark Engine That Patterns & Controls the world-Mummery

http://beezone.com/adida/shakti/risefallmothergoddesslmm.html Kali & Shakti

http://beezone.com/adida/adidajesus/adamnervoussystemeveflesh.html Adam & Eve in the Garden of Indestructible Light

http://www.dabase.org/trees.htm Trees

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